An Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Unlike divorce, it is retroactive: an annulled marriage is to be considered as to never have existed. You can have an annulment process made easy, issued quickly and directly by Metropolitan Archbishop David L. Cooper after you complete and send in the simple form included on this site.
Many people are dismayed by the annulment process of the Roman Catholic Church. They are annoyed at the voluminous requirements that an annulment consists of and simply do not want to participate in it. They just look at the application and quit. I have helped many of these couples

Special Note:
If you cannot go through all of this exhaustive, long tribunal process with your parish and diocese, call Metropolitan Archbishop David L. Cooper. If you are looking to have an annulment, he will help you. Contact him via our Contact Us page
- If I issue the annulment, any subsequent marriage must be officiated or convalidated by me. In some instances, this can be done by phone after the submission of proper documents. Call me for details.
- If you are intending to marry in the local parish, you can go through the diocese there. That will be about a 2-year process.
- If you or your fiancé is a Protestant, you are not under the jurisdiction of the Roman diocese at all. You most certainly can submit a petition to me.
- The process will take 2-3 weeks. The forms are on the website. Any impediment identified must be explained as to why it is true.
- A copy of the civil divorce decree is required.
- Should a Protestant decide to convert, my process is very easy and can be done quickly.
- I have issued hundreds of annulments for individuals in the USA, Canada and the Philippines. I have helped hundreds of individuals become Orthodox Catholic as well.
An Annulment Doesn't Dissolve Anything:
An annulment doesn’t dissolve anything. That is a myth. An annulment is a process of discovering an impediment in the so-called marriage that made it invalid when it happened. It is a declaration that such a discovery was made. The marriage was not sacramental. It was only civil or natural. It was not a sacrament.
If that is the case, the person is free to marry now. If not, there is no one on earth–not even the pope–who can help them. If it truly was sacramental, the person is “stuck” for life. That is because there is a presumption of validity by the church. That presumption can be disputed by evidence of an impediment that renders the sacrament void.
The Roman Catholic Church says that only marriages under its jurisdiction are sacramental. Yet, it has exceptions to this. It says that a sacramental marriage is indissoluble. It also says that Orthodox sacraments are valid. Holy Matrimony is one of the sacraments. The Orthodox are not under Roman jurisdiction. Note that this is an exception. A very clear one.
My Opinion: It seems to me that the real “acid test” of the sacramental nature of a marriage is its indissolubility. If two previously unmarried baptized people with no impediments and fully capable of consent sincerely utter vows of marriage, a sacrament of marriage takes place – inside or outside the Church sanctuary. The history of the sacrament supports this.
What Types Of Marriages Require Annulment?
Civil Marriages:
- The Roman Catholic Church holds some civil marriages to be indissoluble. Many people think that since they were not “married in the Church,” that there is no problem in now marrying another person inside the Church. The government could say that there was a marriage but the Church could say that one never existed. This determination is called an annulment. It is a process of determining whether or not a “marriage” ever existed.
Marriages Between Two Protestants:
- Marriage between two Protestants is totally “outside the Church.” This fact is discovered by couples who want to be married inside the Church but one of the parties is a Protestant and was married to another baptized Protestant. They find that an annulment is required. Many Protestants are irritated and bewildered to find that they will have to submit to this exhausting, extensive, nosy, probing, paper process.
Divorced Catholic and Catholic :
- For example, the groom has a previous marriage but will not proceed with an annulment. The bride’s parents will not accept the marriage unless it is done by a priest. This is a common problem. I often help couples in this situation or in a similar one.
Annulment Process:

The annulment process through Archbishop Cooper is as follows; the process made easy, it involves the completion of the form (petition), provision of explanations regarding any impediment identified, attachment of a copy of the civil divorce decree, and the fee of $250 payable to SMI. If I will not issue the annulment, the payment will be returned.
Explanation(s) of impediment(s) must address as to why they are true and are to be itemized and attached to the form.
The process takes about 2-3 weeks. Phone & Text: 818 390 3980.
Church Annulment:
Note: This is a church annulment. It applies in this church jurisdiction and is valid in this apostolic see.
We cannot predict nor guarantee acceptance by any other church jurisdiction nor civil authority.
We assist individuals anywhere in the world but cannot control the behavior of “Caesar”.

Annulment Questions:
Question: Will my Roman Catholic parish accept your annulment and let me marry there?
Answer: They want you to go through their process. Anything less will not work for them. If they accepted mine, millions would be coming to me.
Keep in mind that the annulment is not a dissolution of anything. It is an examination to see if the marriage was really a sacrament on day one. That is the identification of an impediment.
If you have an impediment, you are already free. If the marriage was really a sacrament, no one can help you–not even the pope.
Individuals who come to me have decided that they will not go through that process. They either cannot or will not go through that voluminous trial. Some want to have the situation examined by a successor of the apostles–a valid bishop–to see if the marriage was really a sacrament. In that regard, I can help you.
Blessings abundant,
+++David Leon Cooper
Metropolitan Archbishop
Acceptance Of The Annulment:
An annulment is nothing more than a determination that a marriage was a non-marriage. A bishop can do this. It does not require a Tribunal unless canon (church) law requires it; a bishop can grant dispensations in canon law. Having Tribunals creates a great deal of work. Bureaucracies like to create work for themselves. It is an employment plan. Do not expect anyone who has their work taken away from them to be happy and accepting of it. What one should really want is acceptance by Almighty God. If your interest is in the spiritual process then you know where the acceptance is.
I am in many ways threatening to many of those of my narrow-minded Roman Catholic brethren. I am giving the people what they want and what they believe is right. They believe this in their hearts. So do l.
We know that a bishop carries effective power of Orders. I am a valid Bishop of God. I welcome anyone to examine my Orders. That is why I publish them so freely. It is that Apostolic Succession that gives us in the episcopacy our authority. It is a spiritual power that I believe in wielding vigorously in behalf of the Faithful. They and I know where the spiritual power to rule the Holy Church comes from: it is Christ’, priesthood. When I use “we” and say that one is free to marry, it is a reference to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In this prayerful way, I set my hand and seal of my Office and set you free. The Truth will do that.
Acceptance Of The Annulment cont...:
The truth is Our Lord Jesus Christ. He commissioned His Holy Apostles to feed the Church. The Successors of the Holy Apostles, the bishops, continue this work-•and the commission.
The Roman Church teaches that valid bishops can grant dispensations and administer all of the Sacraments. It does not matter what they politically accept-validity and power of Orders is undeniable.
If your primary interest is to have a priest officiate your marriage after a valid bishop grants your annulment, then you may come to me. I will not reject you. I will accept you and bless you.